In English language writing skill is very important task to do . Particularly for school students it is very important to know the procedure of  how to write different kinds of writing skills , such as letter writing, paragraph writing, story writing, diary writing ETC . Different types of writings are given below for the benefits of the students  for their practice as well as in the exam .


The following writings are your today’s home task. I will check it on next Friday.if you do not write your own you can ask me ,I can give you the answer in this page (you will get a link to have the answer), on next Friday.

1.Study the flowchart and write how tomato jelly is prepared.
[Tomatoes - buying and sorting – cleaning – smashing - extracting juice – straining and boiling in a pan for half an hour - mixing sugar, dust chilli - cooling and pouring into bottles – packing - sending to the market.]

Ans: -

Tomato jelly is a tasty food. At first some tomatoes are bought from market.then the good and the fresh tomatoes are sorted out and the bad ones are removed. The good tomatoes are cleaned. They are then smashed well. Thus  juice is extracted. The extract is next boiled for 30 minutes.Proper amount of sugar and chili powder are added to the hot juice. The jelly is thus prepared. It is cold and bottled for future use.

2. Develop the following points into a story.

          [A lion sleeping - disturbed by a mouse – was going to kill mouse - the mouse appealed for its life - the lion let it go – one day the lion was trapped by a hunter – caught in a net – roared – mouse came – lion free.]

                       The lion and the mouse.
Once a lion was sleeping in his den. A little mouse was playing nearby. Accidentally it entered into the lion’s nose. The lion woke up and became very angry. He held the mouse in his paw. He wanted to kill it. The mouse begged his life. The lion pardoned it and let it free. Not long afterwards the lion was caught in a hunter’s net. He began to Roar trying hard to come out. The mouse heard his roar. It rushed to save the king of the animals. Eid card the net with its sharp teeth and set  the lion free.

Moral : - a little act of kindness is never wasted.

Next days task.
3. Write a letter to your friend congratulation him on his success in the examination.

     My dear friend,
                 I heartily congratulation you on your standing first in the annual examination. Joys knew no bounds as I heard the news.
      My parents are very glad to hear this. They are all praise for you . I am really very proud of your achievement.I hope that you will keep it up and improve your result.
       More when we meet. Congratulation you once again with love.
                                                                  Yours affectionately,
                                                                      Your name
[ Also write the address in proper places]

4. Write paragraph about” pollution”
             Today we are facing various problems. Pollution is one of the greatest problems all over the world. It poses threats to human life and creat on. Modern science is largely responsible for pollution. There are three kinds of pollution  - air ,water and noise.Air is constantly polluted by smoke from factories and the carbon monoxide gases emitted by motor vehicles. This polluted air is harmful to us. It causes disease like -  bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis and many other diseases of nerves. Water is polluted by untreated sewage, chemicals and other waste from the factories. Oil tankers of unclean out there tanks at sea and power station release hot water into the rivers. These pollute water. The polluted water causes skin diseases and kill aquatic animals and plants. There is another pollution which is known as noise pollution. It is caused by the use of different kinds of horns by vehicles and the indiscriminate use of mikes And loudspeakers. Noise pollution generates did like insanity and deafness. Besides we often speak of land pollution. It is polluted by extensive use of fertilizers and insecticides. Plantation of more trees is the only way to combat it.

Next days task

5. Write a story using the following points. Give a suitable title and moral to it
[ Points :- a king lost his throne- hot repeatedly to get it back-held-hide from enemies in a cave – saw a spider climb up to the the roof of the cave after repeated failure - the king learnt a lesson – fought again- got back his Kingdom ]
  Once upon a time there was a king. Once he lost his throne and hid himself in a cab with all his followers. Hi hot repeatedly to get back his last Kingdom against Jain image but he was not successful. So when hi hid himself in a cave he saw a spider to climb up on the roof of the cave. But it failed again and again to climb up to the roof of the cave. Still did not give up hope. It tried again and again to reach to the top of the the group and at last it succeeded. The king observed all these and learnt a lesson. So he accumulated all his followers and gather courage to fight against enemies repeatedly. At last he pot bravely and won the battle. And he got back his Kingdom.
Moral:- try again and again

6. Here only key words or expressions are given. Describe how it rains.
[ Sun - rays suck up water from the seas and streams- water vapour rises – comes in contact with cold air- water vapour condenses - forms into cloud - becomes too heavy to hold water drops - falls on earth as rain. ]
The sun rays suck up water from seas and streams. Water evaporates from the Earth's surface. Water vapour is formed. It rises high in the sky. As it goes higher it comes in contact with cold air. The water vapour condenses. It begins to float in the sky in the form of cloud. Going higher up the clouds transform into water drops. When drops become heavy they cannot float. They begin to fall on earth as rain.

Next days 7. Write an application to the headmaster of your school praying for some textbooks free of cost.

The headmaster
Tilandapur Vidyasagar Nursery School
Panskura ,Purba Medinipur

            Subject: - praying for some textbook free of cost.

        Most humbly and respectfully, I beg to state that I am a student of class VIII, Roll number – 7. The financial condition of our family is very miserable. Our family members are five. My father is the only earning member of our family. His monthly income is Rs 1500 /-.
So, it is very difficult for him to buy me the textbook. If you kindly supply me the following test books free of cost, I will be obliged to you.
The names of books -
1. English grammar - by D .K .dev
2. Bangla Byakaran – k.p. Choudhury
3.prakruti bhugol – das & Maity
4.bharath areas  - by chakraborty and mondel

      I am anxious for your contribution.
                                                                                  yours obediently
                                                                                          your name
                                                                               Class. -      section -
                                                                                      Roll number

8. Write a paragraph about” EARLY RISING”

“Early to bed and early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.
Early rising is a good habit .an early risers can enjoy the beauty of nature and the freshness of Morning air. The morning air refreshes our body and mind. So, we can pass the day cheerfully.  An early riser finds enough time to do his daily duties. He can finish a large part of his work before other man leave their beds. some work can be better done during the early hours the day. The early risers also find time to take exercise in the morning. He can do morning walk to keep him fit. All the great men in the world are an early riser. so, a man wishing to be Hale and hearty must have the habit of rising early. Remember the Lines –
“The cock crows in the morning to tell us to write; And he who lies late can never be wise.”

Next days Task

9. Write the following Story using the following hints.
[ A quarrel between the wind and the sun Over which was the stronger of the 2 - a traveller watch coming down the road -  agreed that the one that could take off the Mans Clock wise the stronger  a wind  began to blow but the traveller wrapped his Clock around him  -when the wind give up,the sun started his work- the traveller grew warmer and began to loosen his Cloak and sat down in the shade of a tree and fanned  himself .]

                                 The Wind and the sun
 The North wind and the sun once had a dispute about which was  the stronger. Suddenly they saw a traveller coming down the road. So they agreed that the one that could take off the Mans Cloak was the stronger. First  the wind began to blow an icy blast but the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap his Cloak around him. The wind was not strong enough to tear of the Mans Cloak. At last the wind gave up in disgust.  Next was the sun’s turn and he drove away all the heavy rain- clouds.  Then he began to shine  down upon the traveller with such power that the traveller rushed to the wood nearby to take some rest.  In the shade of a tree, he sat down and fanned himself. So the disputes  ended and the sun became the winner .

Moral:- Persuasion  is better than force .
10.Write a letter to your friend advising him to take care about his studies .

Dear friend ,
          Last week I met a friend of yours. He told me about your deficiencies of studies first of it will be shocking to our parents if they come to know about all this. I have not yet reported the matter to them. Before I do this, I advise you to mind your studies and make up all deficiencies, if any, within a short time. I believe you will work hard from today. Time, once wasted cannot be recalled. So do all your work in time. Then there is no chance of your lagging behind in the class. You are passing through the formative Years of youth. You must realise it by studying. 
                   I hope, I will get good news in future regarding you.
                                                                             Your affectionately,

Next days task
11.You have come to know that the local postman has delivered your letter to your neighbours house by mistake. Write a letter to the post office with a request to return the letter to you.

[এবার থেকে একটা করে পড়া  থাকবে ]

 The postmaster
Panskura Post Office
Panskura, Puru Medinipur .
           I would like to draw your kind attention that The post man delivered my letter to one of my neighbour by  mistake Just 5 days ago. I came to know it from one of my friend. But I was unable to get the letter from him because I was  not at home during last 7 days. That letter is  a very important  to me.
                   So,request you  to look into the matter seriously so that I can get back my important letter as early as possible.

                                                                            Yours faithfully

Next days task

12. Recently you gave up your seat in a crowded bus to an old ailing  person. Write a letter in about 80 words to your friend describing how you felt after having helped the person .

12. Recently you gave up your seat in a crowded bus to an old ailing  person. Write a letter in about 80 words to your friend describing how you felt after having helped the person .

Dear  Anupam ,

            Today I write to you this letter expressing my feeling of a noble work I have done. I was returning from the zoological garden with my friends in a bus route number 115. Though it was a crowded bus, we got seats. When our bus was at park Street, and old, man, aged about 80, got into the bus but the seats for the senior citizens were full. I , at once, left my seat and requested him to sit. He was very pleased with me and blessed me with his heart’s content. I felt extremely happy. I will remember his  blessings fireever.
 Write to me soon. Would love to hear from you about this kind act. Best of luck, much love.

Yours ever
Your name

Next days task
write a short story in about 80 words using the following hints. Give a suitable title to the story.
[A farmer find snake almost date with-brings it home-worms it-saves its life-the snake is about to bite the farmers son-the farmer chases away the snake]

                                 An unfaithful snake

     Once Upon a time a farmer was returning home through a field in the evening. It was winter. By chance he found a snake lying almost dead in cold. He felt PT and brought the snake in his home. He kept the snake in his room in straw, gave it food and saved its life. One day, the farmer’s son was playing on verandas. Suddenly, the snake raised its head to bite his son. The farmer noticed this. He come at once, took a stick and chased it away from his house.

14. write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be kind to animals.

And :- 

  Dear vishwaroop,

                 Hope your studies progressing well. Today I will tell you about how to behave with the animals. 
you have learnt that sympathy to living creatures is the great virtue of man.I am flinched to watch a news on the TV that few in human girls beat to death 13 dogs. Sometimes I watch naughty boys throw stones at monkeys. That is very bad. I say this to you because you should never do this unkind act. Animals are resources of our nature. The keep balance of our earth and they have the equal right to live with freedom as we human beings have. you should always be kind to them. Please give them food and rejoice yourself to see them. Nurse them if they are affected with diseases.
No more today. Best of luck.

Yours ever
Your name

Next days task.👇👇👇

15. Write a story in about 80 words using the following hints.
[ King proud of his power-tells he can control everything on earth - text his courtiers to the see shore – orders the webs to move back – the waves lash  at the feet of the king – the king moves back in fear. ]

Ans :- 
                     A boastful king

Once upon a time there was a king named James Augustine in medicine. He was very boastful of his powerful stuff he used to say his courtiers, “I m the strongest King on earth and I can control everything on earth.” show all his courtiers feared him much.
  One day the king asked his courtiers, “I will show you my power. Come with me.” The king stopped in front of the sea and said, “waves move back.” But the waves lashed at his feet without paying heed to his order. The king moved back in fear.

Next days task👇👇👇

16.suppose you have to obey the orders of someone from morning to night. You are not allowed to act according to your own will. Write a paragraph in about 80 words describing your feelings in this situation.

My strong desire of freedom

From morning to night I have to obey every order of my uncle. He wants to bring me up to a complete human being. I considered that his intention is true. But I am impatient to follow his every restriction and I feel I have no freedom. I understand that I must study hard with great concentration. I wish some Angel to come in my dream and grant all the wishes with her magic wond. Then  I won’t have to listen to my uncle  for every little matter.

Next days task 👇

17. Write an autobiography of a broken bicycle.

Ans :-              An autobiography of a broken bicycle

I am a broken bicycle. Now I reside in a dark room. Presently I am full of shoot and dirty wastes. My front tyre is punctured. About 10 years ago my owner bought me. He took care of me about 3 years. I was the regular companion of my owner. Every Sunday he used to wash me and thoroughly oil me well. On Vishwakarma puja he adorned me with flowers and the priest used to come to worship me. As I grew older my tires were punctured quite a few times. Then his son bought a bike and the owner took retirement from his job. As a result, I am in destitute. Possibly my owner will sell me someday.

18. Next days task



Suppose recently you had a change of your place of residence. Write a page in your diary about the experience of shifting from a familiar neighbourhood to a new place.






✍✍Before writing a page of diary we should discuss how a diary is written . Actually it is a kind of paragraph writing ,just you have to mention the date before writing your page of diary .  Normally, many of us maintain diary in our regional languages . In the same way we can also write a page of diary in English also .👈                                                              







                                                                                                      August, Monday,24,2020


My father has bought a new flat in Kolkata. He sold the village house at Panskura for his job transfer. It was disappointing when I heard that we would go to a new residence. I had to leave my village school, my teachers, my neighbours, and the happy moments spent in the natures lap. The sight of the Bust Greenfields and catching fishes in the pond kept flickering in my mind. I was then admitted to a new school in Panskura. All the memories I left there made me sad all the time. Here the children are not so friendly with me as I have come from a rural area. I go to the rooftop to enjoy the cloudlets floating in the Sky. Hence everything I recall my good old days and I sob silently.


Next day’s task👇👇

19. Suppose you have red and interesting adventure story recently in this lock down. Write a letter in about 80 words to your friend describing the story and telling him or her why you liked it.



      Dear Avinab,

                      Hope you are in good health. Are you know I like    to read adventurous stories. YesterdayI read “ chander pahar “written by Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay. Sankar ,a boy went to Africa to earn livelihood. Suddenly he  came to meet Diego Alveraz, European. He accompanied him to set off for “Chander Pahar” where diamonds were found according to hearsay. Once the narrator (here the protagonist of the story Sankar himself ) gave medicine to a little girl  of the Kafi Sardar  and she was  cured. So he helped them with direction. According to the direction of Kafi Sardar  that they started their journey for chander pahar. They met with dangers in every step. Alverge was killed by Bunyip,mythical amphibian monster said to inhabit  in waterways. Sankar alone was forced to travel. Later Sankar was confronted him and killed him. To his  Supreme surprised he found some valuable stones in the dance dark forest beside the spring . But he put them on the soil as his way of direction. Finally  he got back to India from the death”s  door. It was really exciting story.

           I think you have also read the story. Write to me about your experience. My gratitude and respect to you .

                                                                        Your’s affectionately,


20.Next days task 👇


 write a paragraph in about 80 words on the changes that you see in nature when spring comes after winter. 


                     The changes of nature in springtime after winter

During winter everything in the nature looks pale. Trees shed their leaves and look dying. North cold wind embraces the nature. In the advent of spring the mild sun shines pleasantly. The nature becomes green with tender leaves and colourful flowers bloom. It looks a Jeep nature is playing. Birds with colourful wings fly and Twitter all the time. The nature is in full bloom and at its best.


21.Next day's task 👇👈

Suppose you had wish to perform on stage for a long time. On the occasion of your school's annual function you finally got a chance to do so. Write a letter to your friend describing how you felt when your wish watch fulfilled. 


 Dear Paritosh,

           Today I am writing to you to share a a moment of my life. You know that I love to play a synthesizer. Last year my teacher’s selected me to perform on the stage for the school concert held in Nazrul Mancha. I was very excited to get this chance. I was feeling a bit nervous too. As soon as my name was announced I decided to play the synthesizer. I played the tunes of “aguner poroshmoni …….”- a Rabindra Sangeet. The hall full of audience gave me a huge round of applause.I was happy to my heart's content and still cherries each moment of it.

 No more today. With love to you and regards to your parents.

 Yours ever



22. Suppose you find yourself alone in a railway station at night. Write a paragraph in about hundred words describing your experience.


                     Alone in a railway station at night

     I was returning home alone from a hospital at Pansura at night. It was a rainy day. When I arrived at the station, it was quite deserted. The station was almost darkened except few parts under the light post dimly lighted. It was drizzling. Two dogs were lying under the cemented seat. I realised that darkness caught me from 4 sides of the platform. I noticed long shadows of branches of trees. Suddenly I remembered the story “Midnight Express .”hey my skin- hairs were errected for some unknown fear. In the meantime the train was announced. I heaved a sigh of relief after I boarded the train.



23.Suppose you spent a moonlit night in a forest guest house. Write a paragraph of about 80 to 100 words on your experience. Mention the sounds that you heard there.


Last year I went with my four friends to the sundarban in winter. We spent a moonlit night at the guest house of Baghana forest. We took dinner and slept early by closing the door tightly as directed by the chowkidar.at the dead of night I woke up hearing the roar of a royal Bengal Tiger nearby. Wooden guest House White second by the road. I was thrilled in fear. However, after an hour or so I heard a tapping at the door. I realised that someone was loitering on the lawn. I lay on the bed motionlessly and my heart was throbbing.After an hour I opened the door quietly leaned my head outside and saw nothing. I woke up next morning by a harsh  noises of my friends and was relieved to see myself unharmed.


Next days task 👇

24. Write an autobiography of an owl enjoying the night.


             Autobiography of an owl enjoying the night

I am an owl. I am a nocturnal mammal. Ice it on a big tree in a deep forest or at the top of the branch and watch everything clearly. Throughout the day I take rest. As soon as the sunsets in the West , I set out for work. I look for my prey. Whenever I notice a squirrel or a mouse scampering on a branch of a tree , I immediately attack it and hunt it as  food. I have strong echo - location power. I can determine the distance of my prey by my ultrasonic sound. In a moonlit night, the forest is filled up with my hoot. I am the mightiest flying mammal in the darkness at night.


Next day's task 👇

25. Suppose your friend who lives in a hostel is missing his or her friends and family. He or she is feeling very lonely and sad. Write a letter inspiring him or her to cope with his or her present situation


     My dear Ranveer,

                           I have come to know that you are right now staying in the hostel to pursue your higher education. I know you are feeling very lonely and sad as you are separated from your friends and family. You know that student life is the best part of life as you are free from any tension of daily life. All you must do is to study properly so that you accomplish your dream too become what you want to be and make the best out of it. At times if you feel sad read stories that you like and listen to your favourite songs. If you ask for my opinion, I will suggest you listen to "Tagore'ssong. You can also borrow books from your school library.

                Your father and family each always with you. They are the pillars of our existence. Try to make new friends and share your feelings. I will write to you off and on. Never be sad and have a wonderful life ahead.

                                                         Your loving friend



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