
Showing posts from January, 2022

Class 6 English paragraph A Bus journey


Class 9 English writing skills Orange juice making and paper making

              Process of making orange juice Orange juice is really a very nutritious and refreshing healthy drink. It is very easy to make orange juice at home. We can prepare orange juice through a number of steps. First, ripe oranges are bought from the market. Then the rotten ones are sorted and removed. After that, the good oranges are washed and cleaned properly. Then, the good oranges are put in a juicer after peeling. After that, these are crushed in order to extract juice. Then, the seeds are strained with a piece of cloth. Next, sugar and syrup are mixed with the juice. After that, the juice is poured in sterilized bottles. Next, the bottles are sealed and labelled. Then, the bottles are put into boxes. Now, fresh orange juice is ready. Finally, The boxes are despatched to the market for sale.


  Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay is a very famous Bengali writer born on the 12th of September , 1894. He was born to parents Mahananda Bandopadhyay and Mrinalini Devi. He studied in Bangaon High school in the early years o his childhood. He later on studied in Ripon college during his intermediate and adult years. Ripon college is now known as Surendranath College of Kolkata. In his adult life Bibhutibhusan worked as a headmaster in Jangipara High School and later he went to Harinavi Anglo-Sanskrit institution. During his years of working he also wrote many novels, some of his famous novels are Pather Panchali. Aparajito, Aranyak, Debjan , Iccchamati, Chander Pahar etc. However out of all the novels his best work was Pather Panchali which later on turned into a movie by a famous director Satyajit Ray. that won national and international awards. Bibhutibhushan’s writings express the hardship, poverty, hopes and dreams of the rural side of Bengal, This famous writer died on the 1st of Nov

রচনা - ভারতের জাতীয় সংহতি ও বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদঃ

     ভারতের জাতীয় সংহতি ও বিচ্ছিন্নতাবাদঃ নানা জাতি, নানা মত, নানা পরিধান, বিবিধের মাঝে দেখ মিলন মহান।” – রবীন্দ্রনাথ ভূমিকা – নানা জাতি গােষ্ঠীর সমন্বিত দেশ আমাদের ভারতবর্ষ। সুদূর প্রাচীন কাল থেকে ভারত দেহে লীন হয়েছে বহু জাতির মানুষ – এদের ঐতিহাসিক ও অর্থনৈতিক বিভিন্নতাকে কেন্দ্র করে গড়ে উঠেছে ভাষাগত, ব্যবহারগত, জীবনচর্যাগত ও সংস্কৃতিগত পার্থক্য – তবুও বিবিধের মাঝে মিলন চিন্তাই সংহতি ও ঐক্যের সাধনারই ফল। দেশপ্রেমের আদর্শ – ভারতের মাটিতে আছে দেশপ্রেমের আদর্শ। এখানে জননী ও জন্মভূমি স্বর্গ অপেক্ষা গরীয়সী। মা মাটি মানুষ একাকার হয়ে আছে এখানে। এই দেশের জন্য সব ত্যাগ করা যায় আর এই দেশপ্রেমের আদর্শই দেশের সার্বিক কল্যাণের পথ। জাতীয়তার আদর্শ – অখণ্ড দেশ ও জাতীয় চেতনা থেকেই জাতীয়তার আদর্শ ও ঐক্যভাবনা। এই জাতীয়তাবােধ থেকেই জাতীয় সংহতি, যার মূল মন্ত্র – ‘এক জাতি, এক প্রাণ, একতা’ । ইংরেজ শাসনকালের বহুপূর্বে আমাদের জাতীয় সংহতি অক্ষুন্ন ছিল, তার প্রমাণ খণ্ড ছিন্ন ভারতভূমিকে একসূত্রে গ্রথিত করা এবং মৈত্রী ভাবনায় জাতীয় সত্যের আলােকে দেশকে ভালােবাসা। জাতীয় সংহতির অন্তরায় – জাতীয়তাবােধ

A War Prisoner and Caged Birds

 Once, there was a war between France and England. A French Soldier was imprisoned by the British. After a long time in the prison, he was released. The soldier was returning home. On the way, he saw a bird seller, selling birds in the cage. Seeing the birds in the cage, the soldier remembered his own suffering in the prison. He took pity on the birds. So, he decided to buy all the birds from the bird seller and he did so. He bought all the birds from the seller. Then, he opened the door of the cage to let all the birds to fly out. One by one, all the birds flew out of the cage in joy and began to fly freely in the open sky. It seemed as if they were thanking the soldier for freeing them. In the long run, the soldier began to walk towards his house in glee... Moral:- Freedom is heavenly bliss.